sexta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2014


2014, Strategy

By the time you have this magazine in your hands a new year will have arrived. As every year at this date, we check the work carried out throughout the past year and bring a backpack full of dreams which we expect to accomplish over the next twelve months

There is still a long way to walk but in 2013 we have made some changes and gains of which we can be proud, particulary we attempted to get closer to our distributors, listen and learn with them.

Time has shown that the change has been positive, Spain and Portugal have begun to awaken from its lethargy  in sales, and I can proudly confirm that Spain ended the year growing in sales in a middle of a deep economic crisis. 

There are changes still need to be done but if these financially difficult times are teaching sometthing is that who can manage the change as part of their business, will  be successful, who avoid it will disappear.

I really believe in 2014, it will be the best time to join FOREVER, to join this exciting project, to rely on a business model successfully operating worldwide for over three decades. There are many ccs to be done in Spain and Portugal and this would merely explain why we have a golden opportunity here to show people. There are some European leaders working in Spain and Portugal right now,  such as Kid Madsen from Scandinavia, Attila Gidofalvi from Hungary, Angela Loughran and QLS from UK, Susan Graff and Rosanna Zingaro from Switzerland or Jose Alves and Jean Marie from France. Do not you imagine why?

Our goal for 2014 is to get each new distributor joins FLP with 2 cc, that will mean the people understand the real potential of this amazing business opportunity.

Year 2013 has been a tough year, with many changes and uncertainty for everyone. I believe it was very useful to remember where we were, who we were, where we came from and what it took to get here. We will continue reminding the same thing every day in 2014 with the unique aim of making Spain and Portugal a remarkable place to develop the opportunity of FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS .

Happy 2014!

Joaquin Garcia
Operations Manager

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